Organisations in Wageningen
Sustainability and environment
Platform Duurzaam Wageningen promotes exchange of information, mutual coordination and cooperation between groups and individuals, who work towards sustainability. She starts new initiatives for a real contributions to a sustainable society. a website where initiatives for awareness and sustainability from Wageningen and surroundings can present themselves.
Wageningse Weelde is a saving campaign from sustainable and organic producers and shopowners from the region.
SHARE (Sustainable HAppy REalists) organises activities en campaigns around environment questionsacties. (Formerly Happy JMA, Jongeren Milieu Actief.)
Mooi Wageningen contributes to the conservation of nature and countryside in and around Wageningen.
Stichting Wageningse Eng for a sustainable management of the Wageningse Eng and conservation of the richness and diversity of cultural historical, scenic, ecological and recreational values.
Platform De Dreijen The working area De Dreijen in Wageningen becomes functionally different. This demands new plans for a special area. About the small arboretum, the future Eco neighbourhood De Dreijen and the ecological connection zone.
Sustainable agriculture
Agromisa supports small-scale farmers and organizations by providing practical information on sustainable agriculture.
De Boerengroep builds a bridge between the agricultural practices and agricultural research, encourages a critical attitude of students and farmers, and fight for a healthy social and agriculture.
RUW, Stichting Ruraal Wageningen, .acts as the link between students and the rural areas. They contribute to the search for methods of responsible and sustainable land use and focus on the various functions of the rural area and the tension surfaces between them.
Otherwise is a platform for reflection and interaction for food souveranity and agroecologie.
Edible Town
Urban window farming Window farming is a system of pots to put in front of your window and from which you can for example harvast herbs. For people who don’t own a garden or a balkony, but would like to have fresh herbs and vegetables.
Permacultuur Nederland The websit about permaculture in the Netherlands.
Wind Energie Wageningen is a group of citizens from Wageningen who engage themselves for wind energie and a windmill park in Wageningen.
Vallei Energie A local Energie Cooperation from and for citizens and companies in the Gelderse and Utrechtse Vallei. The aim is to locally produce and supplie sustainable energie.
Meldpunt Vrijwilligerswerk Are you looking for voluteer work? Or do you need help? You are welcome for anything around volunteering.
New economy
LETS Wageningen is a supply / demand market for the supply of goods and services making use of a bank account with fictitious money, the exchange points.
Stads Atelier Wageningen contributes totogether with the citizens of Wageningen to social and economic participation; they run a Repair Cafe. Every Friday between 13:30 and 16:00, people can come with broken stuff to (learn to) fix it with the help of volunteers.
Peerby Borrow stuff from your neighbours.
MyWheels Car sharing Share a car in your neighbourhood, 24 hours a day. Do you neeed a car or do you have a car? MyWheels is there for you. If you are a car owner you can earn part of your car expanses, by letting other people use your car. In Wageningen there are more then 30 cars available now and the number of available cars is growing (also outside Wageningen).; The Fietsersbond is the Dutch Cyclists’ Union that campaigns for better cycling conditions.
Happiness4all brings happiness to the world; a network for personal development and awareness. There is a range of different accessible activities and workshops.
Gaia Sira a center to explore, experiment and live a comprehensive vision.
Oranjefonds Het Oranje Fonds supports financial to projects which contribute to a participation of the society. Due to these projects, people find each other or they find a new place in society.
National information
TTNL website of Transition Towns Netherlands