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Already 10.000 photovoltic cells on the roofs in Wageningen. We are number one in the Netherlands and last year we were the Solarcity of the Netherlands. In may, when the project finishes a new solar city well chosen.
Thursday, april 10th and monday april 14th light will be shed on possibilities of photovoltic cells and solar water heating at your home. Foundation Solar Energie Wageningen organizes this meeting.
The meetings will be held in the BBLTHK 19.30 – 22.30h. The information will be in Dutch (for the program see our Dutch page).
Meet different suppliers and ask your questions to the different suppliers and compare them. The following suppliers will attend: Atama, Factor 30, Solesta, ValleiEnergie, Van Rennes and Wageningen op Zon.
You can register for teh meetings by sending a mail to:
info@zonne-energie-wageningen. Free entrance.
TT Vallei invites you to an information eveningon april 3rd in the Forum Building, room C222 starting at 18.30 h.. We will share the Transition Town Filosophy and screen the movie ‘In Transition 2.0’. You’re most welcome! Bring something to share: stories, ideas, cookies. We will provide tea, just bring your own cup, so we will produce no waste.
In the edible forest garden Pomonal in Wageningen a practical course on permaculture will be thaught. The course will be given on mondays starting, april 7th. This course will also be given in Dutch on fridays starting at april 4th.
Permaculture is a system for development of a sustainable way of living. In this course you will learn how to apply the permaculture principles in your daily life. You can see examples and learn by doing in the Edible Forest Garden Pomonal in Wageningen.
In the course you will learn for example about how to create fertile soil, the easy vegetable garden, working with in stead of fighting nature, herbs and positive plant combinations.
The course exists of 7 mornings from 10 to 12 o clock. More information and entering the course: heeltsje.wordpress.com
TT Vallei is offering this course in cooperation with Otherwise and Boerengroep.
Transition Town Valley supports the initiative ‘Wageningen op Zon’.
“‘Transition Towns around the world see ‘local’ as a solution to global problems, which are caused by peak oil and climate change. ‘Wageningen op zon’ contributes to a sustainable and resilient energy network in Wageningen, which can make a difference and is transparent. I recommend taking part in this initiative wholeheartedly.” says Esther Shoemaker.
See www.wageningenopzon.nl
March 29th, Edible garden Pomonal, Pomona, Wageningen 13.30 – 15.30 hour:
Building willow playing huts, cleaning up the neighbourhood and secondhand clothing shop in municipality centre the Pomhorst open.
In january we selected a whole bunch of willow branches to build nice playing huts in the bostuin pomonal. Next to that we’ll clean up the neighbourhood together. In the community centre Pomhorst the secondhand clothes shop will be open. You are most welcome!
On Friday 21 March Transition Town Vallei organises a clothes swapping event at Hesselink van Suchtelenweg from 19.30 till 22.00 hour. For women that would like a free “new” wardrobe. This is the moment to browse through your clothes and get rid of good clothes you don’t want anymore, and give them a second life. Acessoiries, shoes in good condition.
Location: Hesselink van Suchtelenweg, Wageningen, it is the flat roofed building behind former Unitas and Microbiology, take the stairs down.
- Bring and exhibit your clothes from 19.30 onwards. We swab clothes from 20.00 h.
- There are not enough clothes hangers present. So bring your own with you name written on them (if you want the hangers back).
- We ask you to bring at least 3 pieces of clothes to guarantee that everyone has something to swab.
- The clothes need to be clean, washed and in good condition. It can be anything, but you can leave underwear and socks at home.
Heeltsje Graansma who designed the forest garden Pomonal organises a cours in permaculture and agro-ecology. This course will be in Dutch. If you don’t understand Dutch and would like to have a course in English, contact Heeltsje Graansma
For more information in Dutch click here or go to heeltsje.wordpress.com
The Transition Towns Permatuin run by the ‘permacultuurgroep’ of Transition Towns Vallei will be starting its fourth year soon. This year, for the first time, there will be permaculture design course (PDC) lectures and practicals at the permatuin. The PDC-course will be given by the TT-Permatuin designer and landscape architect Fiona Morris. There will be several experienced guest-speakers, workshops (ecological beekeeping, fungi growing) and several excursions to other parts of the Vallei and Food Forest Ketelbroek. If you are interested in knowing more information on the permatuin can be found on the TT-Permatuin site The Transition Towns Permatuin run by the ‘permacultuurgroep’ of Transition Towns Vallei will be starting its fourth year soon. This year, for the first time, there will be a permaculture design course (PDC) with lectures and practicals at the permatuin. The PDC-course will be given by the TT-Permatuin designer and landscape architect Fiona Morris. There will be several experienced guest-speakers, workshops (e.g. ecological beekeeping, mushroom growing) and several excursions to other parts of the Vallei and Food Forest Ketelbroek. If you are interested in knowing more, details on the course can be found on the course site atelierrabbit.com and information on the permatuin can be found on the TT-Permatuin site ( TT-Permatuin site )
Saturday 8 of March 2014 a provincial church and environment day will be held in the centre de Brink, brinkstraat 39 in Bennekom from 10.00 uur to 16.00 hour. The theme is “Sustainability our responsability“.
During the day inspiration can be gained from Christian traditions. The morning starts with the theological views on sustainability and the pastoral practice of three pastors from different traditions. During the afternoon you can participate in working groups to put words into action. The whole day will be in Dutch.
The costs will be 15 Euro per person. This includes refreshments and lunch. Subscription before March 1, 2014 at Truus Appelman-Komen of the Task Force, Church, Environment and Society, Bennekom (Truusapp@xs4all.nl or phone 0318-414943). Every one is invited to bring something out of his/her kitchen for coffee/tea to share.
Towards fair and sustainable food and agriculture systems CONFERENCE Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February 2014, Wageningen.
Towards fair and sustainable food and agriculture systems CONFERENCE Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February 2014, Wageningen. This is about a contemporary, sustainable and fair way of producing food. farmers, consumers, scientists and civil society organisations offer creative, dynamic and diverse alternatives for large-scale, anonymous and industrialised food production and the increasing influence of transnational corporations.
At this conference there are possibility to learn, experience, think along and discuss new and attainable forms of food and agriculture with others and to build bridges and help to achieve a more sustainable and fair food and agriculture model. Get to know sustainable (young) farmers? Become inspired by innovative examples from the Netherlands and Flanders and from abroad. Come to our two day conference in Wageningen on 21 and 22 February 2014!
For more information click here.