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11 July: Growth or Balans: Barry Voeten at iWeek

28 may Barry Voeten wasin Wageningen to give a workshop for Transition Town and Duurzaam Wageningen about alternatives for money. It was an interesting evening. For who may have missed this, Barry comes back to Wagningen on July 11th. to a workshop in English at the iWeek organised by OtherWise van 9 t/m 11 […]

June 7th Farm visits by bike with the Boerengroep

On Saturday the 7th of June Stichting Boerengroep organizes an bicycle excursion through the beautiful Dutch landscape to visit farms! So take your bicycle, and join us! We will gather at 09.00h at Radix and cycle to Hemmen! There we will visit the organic arable farm of Family Koopman , after which we will cycle […]