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May 17th and 18th: Introduction course on permaculture

On May 17th an 18th Heeltsje Graansma together with Lian Kasper en Jeanine Verhagen offer an introduction course on Permaculture and Agroecology in english. In March this course has been offered in Dutch. Heeltsje has designed the The course will be held partly in the forest garden Pomonal.

The basis of Permaculture and Agro-ecology […]

April 17, Theme night: Growth or balance? Canceled

The Workshop about money and algternatives for money on April 17th is canceled. Barry Voeten is not able to come, because he is sick. Another another date will be set later.

April 17, Transition Town Vallei and Platform Duurzaam Wageningen organise a theme night about money and alternatives for money. This takes place in Restaurant […]

April 11th – Seed swap

Come and swap your spare seeds!

Friday April 11th, 19.30-22 hour, voluntary contribution, at OtherWise, Building with the Clock, Generaal Foulkesweg 37, Wageningen.

On Fridy April 11th Transition Town Vallei (together with OtherWise) organises a seed swapping event at Generaal Foulkesweg 37 from 19.30 till 22 hour. Bring your spare vegetable, herb or flower seeds. […]

Information meeting solar energie

Already 10.000 photovoltic cells on the roofs in Wageningen. We are number one in the Netherlands and last year we were the Solarcity of the Netherlands. In may, when the project finishes a new solar city well chosen.

Thursday, april 10th and monday april 14th light will be shed on possibilities of photovoltic cells and […]