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Information evening on April 3rd

TT Vallei invites you to an information eveningon april 3rd in the Forum Building, room C222 starting at 18.30 h.. We will share the Transition Town Filosophy and screen the movie ‘In Transition 2.0’. You’re most welcome! Bring something to share: stories, ideas, cookies. We will provide tea, just bring your own cup, so […]

Pracitial course on permaculture.

In the edible forest garden Pomonal in Wageningen a practical course on permaculture will be thaught. The course will be given on mondays starting, april 7th. This course will also be given in Dutch on fridays starting at april 4th. Permaculture is a system for development of a sustainable way of living. In this course […]

Transition Town Vallei supports initiative ‘Wageningen op Zon’

Transition Town Valley supports the initiative ‘Wageningen op Zon’. “‘Transition Towns around the world see ‘local’ as a solution to global problems, which are caused by peak oil and climate change. ‘Wageningen op zon’ contributes to a sustainable and resilient energy network in Wageningen, which can make a difference and is transparent. I recommend taking […]

March 29th, Edible garden Pomonal, building playing huts

March 29th, Edible garden Pomonal, Pomona, Wageningen 13.30 – 15.30 hour: Building willow playing huts, cleaning up the neighbourhood and secondhand clothing shop in municipality centre the Pomhorst open.

In january we selected a whole bunch of willow branches to build nice playing huts in the bostuin pomonal. Next to that we’ll clean up the […]

Friday 21 March: Swapping Clothes

On Friday 21 March Transition Town Vallei organises a clothes swapping event at Hesselink van Suchtelenweg from 19.30 till 22.00 hour. For women that would like a free “new” wardrobe. This is the moment to browse through your clothes and get rid of good clothes you don’t want anymore, and give them a second life. […]

Two day course Permaculture and Agro-ecology

Heeltsje Graansma who designed the forest garden Pomonal organises a cours in permaculture and agro-ecology. This course will be in Dutch. If you don’t understand Dutch and would like to have a course in English, contact Heeltsje Graansma

For more information in Dutch click here or go to
