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May 28th, Theme night, Growht or Balance

May 28th, Transition Town Vallei organises an evening about money and alternatives for money. This event was planned already for April 17th and was then canceled.

This takes place in Restaurant Vreemde Streken, on the Conventplein and starts at 20.00h. The presentation will be in Dutch. The title is:”Growth or balance: is there money to make something possible or do we live to earn money.”
Barry Voeten, writer of the booklet “Een evenwichtige economie” presents a workshop about the disadvantages of the present finance system and the possible alternatives. Barry about this:`The present economy will make a few people rich and resources will be depleted. We need a balance in the world and we should no longer be dependent on banks and the present system.` We can start with financing durable systems through the community, like the way the renovation of Lazuur has been financed. An example of an alternative for money, known in Wageningen, is LETS, trading without money. The participants will take an active part in the possible choices.

Info Jannie Atzema mob. 0619575167.

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