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May 17th and 18th: Introduction course on permaculture

On May 17th an 18th Heeltsje Graansma together with Lian Kasper en Jeanine Verhagen offer an introduction course on Permaculture and Agroecology in english. In March this course has been offered in Dutch. Heeltsje has designed the The course will be held partly in the forest garden Pomonal.

The basis of Permaculture and Agro-ecology will be discussed, and through several exercises we will discover how we can apply the knowledge in our own lives.

The course will take place in the Building with the Clock, Generaal Foulkesweg 37, Wageningen and Bostuin Pomonal, both days from 10.00-16.00 hrs.

Price determination afterwards. This means you get to value what you receive during the course in your own way, by giving money, goods and/or services.

This course is offered in cooperation with OtherWise and the Boerengroep.

More information and registration:

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