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April 11th – Seed swap

Come and swap your spare seeds!

Friday April 11th, 19.30-22 hour, voluntary contribution, at OtherWise, Building with the Clock, Generaal Foulkesweg 37, Wageningen.

On Fridy April 11th Transition Town Vallei (together with OtherWise) organises a seed swapping event at Generaal Foulkesweg 37 from 19.30 till 22 hour. Bring your spare vegetable, herb or flower seeds. Take your seeds in little containers, provided with the names.


  • Bring and exhibit your seeds between 19 and 19.30 hour. We start swapping the seeds at 19.30 hour.
  • Provide the seeds with: plant name, species, harvest place, year of harvest, and your name if you want.
  • To prevent disappointment, only bring those seeds and plants that you can spare. Leave the rest at home.

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