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Information meeting solar energie

Already 10.000 photovoltic cells on the roofs in Wageningen. We are number one in the Netherlands and last year we were the Solarcity of the Netherlands. In may, when the project finishes a new solar city well chosen.

Thursday, april 10th and monday april 14th light will be shed on possibilities of photovoltic cells and solar water heating at your home. Foundation Solar Energie Wageningen organizes this meeting.
The meetings will be held in the BBLTHK 19.30 – 22.30h. The information will be in Dutch (for the program see our Dutch page).

Meet different suppliers and ask your questions to the different suppliers and compare them. The following suppliers will attend: Atama, Factor 30, Solesta, ValleiEnergie, Van Rennes and Wageningen op Zon.

You can register for teh meetings by sending a mail to:
info@zonne-energie-wageningen. Free entrance.

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