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Pracitial course on permaculture.

In the edible forest garden Pomonal in Wageningen a practical course on permaculture will be thaught. The course will be given on mondays starting, april 7th. This course will also be given in Dutch on fridays starting at april 4th.
Permaculture is a system for development of a sustainable way of living. In this course you will learn how to apply the permaculture principles in your daily life. You can see examples and learn by doing in the Edible Forest Garden Pomonal in Wageningen.

In the course you will learn for example about how to create fertile soil, the easy vegetable garden, working with in stead of fighting nature, herbs and positive plant combinations.
The course exists of 7 mornings from 10 to 12 o clock. More information and entering the course:

TT Vallei is offering this course in cooperation with Otherwise and Boerengroep.

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