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Gelderland Networkday church and environment

Saturday 8 of  March 2014 a provincial church and environment day will be held in the centre de Brink, brinkstraat 39 in Bennekom from 10.00 uur to 16.00 hour. The theme is “Sustainability our responsability“.

During the day inspiration can be gained from Christian traditions. The morning starts with the theological views on sustainability and the pastoral practice of three pastors from different traditions. During the afternoon you can participate in working groups to put words into action. The whole day will be in Dutch.

The costs will be 15 Euro per person. This includes refreshments and lunch. Subscription before March 1, 2014 at Truus Appelman-Komen of the Task Force, Church, Environment and Society, Bennekom ( or phone 0318-414943). Every one is invited to bring something out of his/her kitchen for coffee/tea to share.

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